Free xml sitemap generator Conservative Nation News: Republican Congressman Proposes Bill To Block Obama Illegal Alien Deportation Policy

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Republican Congressman Proposes Bill To Block Obama Illegal Alien Deportation Policy

(The Hill) -- Rep. David Schweikert (R-Ariz.) on Monday proposed legislation that would block enforcement of President Obama's new policy of letting certain illegal immigrants request temporary relief from deportation.

Schweikert's bill would specifically prohibit the Department of Homeland Security from allowing that relief, which Obama described on Friday as an option for up to 800,000 immigrants who came to the United States illegally at a young age. Schweikert said his bill would prevent Obama from "dictating" immigration law from the White House.

"Last week, the president decided to grant amnesty and hand out work permits to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, while over 23 million Americans remain unemployed and the civilian participation rate is at a 30-year low," he said Monday. "This amounts to an abdication of duty to the American people who are struggling in this economy.

"Instead of working with Congress to secure our border and reform our immigration policy, President Obama sought to circumvent Congress once again."

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  1. I agree that it is important for lawmakers to work together on comprehensive immigration reform.
