Free xml sitemap generator Conservative Nation News: Hard-Hitting New Ad On Medicare From Romney-Ryan: "Our Generation's Time"

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hard-Hitting New Ad On Medicare From Romney-Ryan: "Our Generation's Time"

Paul Ryan: "Medicare should not be used as a piggy bank for ObamaCare. Medicare should be the promise that it made to our current seniors. Period. End of story."


  1. Ryan wants to destroy Medicare and Tricare and convert it to Ryancare.

    1. Actually, if you read what he wants to do you wouldn't say that. He wants to NOT TOUCH Medicare for anyone 55 and over. Yes, he wants to destroy Medicare for those under 55 because he knows like most people it will not be here in 10 to 20 years if we don't. It has to be totally reworked.

    2. Where I come from its called Divide and Conquer. Those over 55 keep their Medicare, those under will die for lack of proper health care when they reach 65.

  2. Ryan voted for TARP, bailout of GM & Chrysler, and Medicare Part D.

    1. Obummer would have voted "present"

  3. I can't wait to watch Ryan take on that moron, Biden, in the debates.

  4. If medicare isnt fixed there WILL BE NO medicare for ANYONE in the near future. GET IT?????
    when it runs out then what?????
    i hear crickets.
    simple math says you cant spend more than you make. Unless your a liberal who waves fairy dust over the uninformed uneducated blind followers.

    1. Where did the money for TARP come from?

    2. It didn't come from anywhere, that's the problem. It was printed...pixie dust. Now we're $16 trillion in debt and probably 2 years from being Greece or Spain. You guys on the left think you just crank up the ink jet printers and print's funny. That has to be paid back.

    3. So now Ryan says we must cut Medicare to pay for TARP - nice.

    4. Show us where Ryan says that is what is needed. Otherwise you are just putting words out there with no meaning.
