Free xml sitemap generator Conservative Nation News: 'Tastes Like Hate' Graffiti Painted On Wall At Chick-fil-A Restaurant

Friday, August 3, 2012

'Tastes Like Hate' Graffiti Painted On Wall At Chick-fil-A Restaurant

Tastes like typical Leftist intolerance
 (LA Times) -- On a day that some gay-rights activists are planning a "National Same-Sex Kiss Day," a Chick-fil-A in Torrance was vandalized overnight with hateful graffiti.

Chick-fil-A employees were greeted Fridays morning with the words "Tastes like hate" scrawled in large black lettering mimicking the chain's advertising across the back wall of the restaurant at 182nd Street and Hawthorne Boulevard in Torrance.

With media helicopters hovering overhead and police officers on the scene, one employee said, "I'm just trying to sort everything out."

Chick-fil-A has been at the center of media scrutiny and public debate ever since the company's president publicly expressed his opposition to same-sex marriage.

On Friday, some gay-rights activists are encouraging same-sex couples to go one of the chicken restaurant's locations and take a photo or video of themselves kissing.

It remains unclear whether this protest will generate the huge crowds that turned out Wednesday for "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day," when tens of thousands waited through long lines in a show of support for the executive.

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