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Monday, September 3, 2012

Powerful New Romney Campaign Ad Hits The Liar-In-Chief Where It Hurts

BS Obama exposed as the snake oil salesman that he is.


  1. Good to see them taking it right to him.

  2. Somebody please stop pulling that man's string! He sounds like a chatty Kathy doll.

  3. Here dumby dumby dumby.

  4. IF, and only if, the stupid party actually makes the media buys to get this on TV day in and day out for a solid week to 10 days in late October. Wanna bet they won't?

    1. They might be called racist by Chris "Tingle Leg" Mathews on MSDNC. Not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent.

    2. Isn't it interesting that the repugnanticans have worked so hard the last 4 years to increase employment and reduce debt? The House, with a supermajority of repugs, passed not ONE jobs bill, but passed over 30, count them, 30, tax breaks bills for the 1% and for large corps.

    3. You and your damn facts...

    4. Are you girls finished yet???

    5. You have got to get over other people and THEIR taxes. Top small % pay 80ish % of taxes. Quit trying to spend other peoples money. Get a job, anywhere, and stop your whining. Forefathers everywhere cringe when seeing what is happening to this once great and died for country. Shame

    6. And the Demractic controlled Senate hasn't put a budget to a floor vote in nearly four years.

    7. I think I would take that bet....The main stream media is bought out.......what a shame if this man gets reelected.....I fear for everyone of us.....

  5. Replies
    1. Please document this absurd charge. Use facts, not propaganda.

    2. The fact is, Obama is not helping America. He has got to GO!!!

  6. The chair was empty for four years, why would another four years be any different?

  7. Sounds like a consistent man with a consistent message. Where is the "Snake oil"?

  8. Well, he certainly ain't a flip-flopper. Sure wish he were white, then maybe some of these bafoons would vote for him.

    1. In simple words, he is not qualified to lead this great country. Race is not the issue. As Clint Eastwood said, "When a person can't do the job, you fire him."

    2. All the buffoons voted for him in '08, even the dead ones.

    3. I could not care less if the man was purple, I will not vote for him because he has not followed through with his promises. My husband voted from him the last time around but will not this time. Not because he suddenly turned black or something. You know why? Because he has not followed through with his promises. The only ones who want to make this a "race" issue are the liberals. Oh, on a side husband is definitely not racist as he was married to a Korean and has an Amerasian son. So don't you DARE call us racist!!! However we are very against those who do not follow through with what they promise!!


  10. Outstadning!! Sure wish more people would understand that he is nothing more than WORDS. His actions or lack there of have failed. Look at his hometown of Chicago where he was a supposed leader...that place is a disaster.

  11. unfortunately only folks watching this are those of us already in the know... sad really. Anyone but obama 2012!

  12. I really can't imagine how anyone could be crazy enough to vote for this man.

    1. Too bad your imagination is so limited!

      Many will vote for Obama because Romney/Ryan offer nothing different from Reagan/Bush/Bush on economic policies -- give to the rich; take from everyone else. I believe that voting for Romney?ryan fits Einstein's definition of insanity.

    2. Boy you are right, Obama offers something different. Socialism, Marxism, communism, Islam, all losses of liberty and the American way of life. Vote for him you idiots. You will be the first he throws under the bus.

    3. Your estimation of all these "isms" is not substantiated. Obama has been very friendly to capitalism. He is not close at all to Marx or socialism. The republican agenda, however, is quite fascist. Suppression of women, suppression of voters, scapegoating minorities, exaulting corporate power and money, cheating and lying everywhere to gain power back. I wouldn't vote repug again for all the tea in China.

    4. LynnBlossom: Get your isms straight. Fascism is a type of Marxism in which the owner retains titular, legal, ownership of economic entities, but the State dictates what they may do, and may not do. In the USA we disguise that as "needed regulation" of businesses. Now, who are the Fascists?

    5. because you can't fix Stupid, that's why.

  13. Any carbon-based, oxygen-breathing life form would be better than Obama. I don't know if our Republic can survive 4 more years with him.

    1. What, other than raw emotion unencumbered by thoughtful analysis, prompts such an extreme assertion?

  14. Isn't it interesting that the repugnanticans have worked so hard the last 4 years to increase employment and reduce debt? The House, with a supermajority of repugs, passed not ONE jobs bill, but passed over 30, count them, 30, tax breaks bills for the 1% and for large corps.

    1. oh really. and how many votes did Obama get on his proposed budget? ZERO. Not one dem or rep vote.

      How long has it been since a budget was passed? Over 3 years....thank you Harry Reid.

      And the most damning of all. If this was all the rep fault. What in hell were the dems doing in 2008-2010 when they had the house, senate, AND white house under their control?

    2. You hit the nail on the head Sorry others don't see it this way

  15. At least he didn't stand in front of America and lie through his teeth like Ryan did. I mean, if FOX comes out calling the repugnantican VP candidate a bald faced lier, there must be something to it.

    1. what did Ryan lie about? I'm curious

    2. Don't read newspapers or watch Fox do you?

    3. I watch those and a few others...again, what did he lie about, or are you getting your dem talking points from someone who is telling you lies?

    4. To verify what Ryan -- and Romney -- routinely lie about, see, and Their files are overloaded with campaign lies, distortions and nonsense by both sides.

    5. concerned citizen. You have the gall to call somebody liars with what you voted for in the White House. You have got to be kidding. You Libs are the only species on earth that will climb a hill to tell a lie when they can stand in one place and tell the truth. Before you call anybody a liar better check the mirror to see if there are any more Libs around close.

    6. concerned citizens didn't call them liars...they called them liers....hahaha. there was not a time on fox news that anyone has called paul ryan a liar...not to mention calling him a lier.....i record all the shows on fox news....i can show you them all since ryan has been running for vp....and prove my point!!! :)

  16. This totally needs to be auto-tuned.

  17. The only difference I see is Mr Obama has more grey hair between 2008 and 2012

    1. He's lucky, most people who have coconuts for heads have no hair.

    2. It appears that you are so limited in both intelligence and civility that you are unable understand the stupidity and irrelevance of your comment.

      Such idiocy severely hurts the case for Romney and against Obama. Knock it off, PLEASE!!!

  18. Very simple liberals... It is a fact this country produces less and less and price per goes up. It is a fact that more and more liberal policies become law. It is a fact that those two point s directly coincide with each other. It is a fact that a five month pregnant lady was murdered. It is a fact that the cold blooded murderer was sentenced to jail for double homicide. it is a fact that you reading this are happy that the killer was charged with double homicide. It is a fact the same state that charged the killer with double homicide allows abortion... It is a fact unions now work 35 hours or less. It is a fact we produce less product per. It is a fact if we work more, cry less we will be better off. It is a fact Democrats would have no place in this country if they thrive off of others not doing well. It is a fact that if you suggest global warming i8s happening you are ignorant (It,s either getting colder, warmer or staying the same... I like my chances) Math tells me a 100 dollars was spent on global warming studies and the short term forecast. Well 90 out of 100 was spent on short term and they can not get that right who the heck would actually believe with the other 10 bucks they would predict global warming, cooling, etc...

  19. The only thing they missed and should have included was Obama's comments that if he couldn't get the job done in three years, then he wouldn't deserve another term in office. It might also help to show Obama's promises along with the higher unemployment, wasted money on various "green" energy companies, etc., etc., etc. Keep hammering him on the issues.

  20. Amen to the previous anonymous!!! unfortunately you are telling it to people that aren't really paying attention to what is happening to the people and Country around them but are only buying into the patronizing rhetoric spewed by a Socialist.

  21. i'm thinking that commercial gives the democratic base a charge. unlike romney, he's holding to the same agenda year over year. just an observation from an independent.

  22. Does he ever hear what he says?????? What a Bozzo!

  23. we have 47 MILLION on food stamps, and nearly 50% in this country pay no federal income tax. DO THE MATH. that is totally unsustainable by any calculation you can imagine.
    Margaret Thatcher said it very well years ago when she said, "The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other peoples money." Obomba is counting on their being enough leeches and moochers to vote him back into office.

    1. I totally agree! Obama's voters are the 47% of Americans who receive some sort of government program assistance.

      Until Americans (the 47% on assistance) realize that they are going to have to get to work and start standing on their own two feet--this country will continue to go downhill and continue to elect Presidents that will lead them down the hill.

  24. If I remember correctly, President Reagan took an horendous economy and turned it around to become a booming economy. His economic policies are proof that lowering tax rates actually produces more revenue not only for the goverment, but the private sector by enabling people to have more to spend and provides more jobs thus more income all around. Raising has NEVER worked, People look back in history and it will be clear. Remember insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. We can't spend our wayout of debt!!!

  25. Be afraid of this man,for he has one goal, and that is bring America down to its knees. He wants a weaker,government controled America. He is a Muslim and was raised and had mentors that are communist and terrorist that hate this country. He is a wolf is sheeps clothing. Never has this country been in the worse shape as it is now with this president. The blacks cannot see pass his color and the welfare, illegals what him in to get more Obama bucks. God help us if he is re-elected. Not to mention his emmorial beliefs on the unborn and his Godless actions.

  26. What happened to ALL our LEADERS? GOD help this GREAT COUNTRY, if OBAMA, the worst excuse of a President, get's re-eelected by all the moochers and brown nosers.
    We need a President that cares for this Country and the true American people.

  27. I love you guys on the RIGHT......histerics, untuths, racist comments hidden in "facts", convenient "deinitions".....when will you take your collective heads out of the sand and realize that the President, any President, does not have the powers, let alone the control, to do all the things you fear and in only four years. We have been on this downward path since the 70's and each President elected has had some plan to get us back on track. But they never will put it in place because it would take a committed populace willing to make personal sacrifices to get 'er done. In the meantime, elected officials have healthcare, a retirement plan, job security and other perks that allow them to attain wealth while we carry them on our backs. Wiseup and smell the roses....they do not smell so good and if we keep throwing crap each other while politicians do nothing, nothing will change.

  28. Excuse me, previous writer, how do you explain how this president has got us into a sixteen trillion dollar deafacite in just less then four years of his term. He spends more then we have, spends more on wasteful spending and on GOVERNMENT JOBS. Hasn't helped the unemployemnt,housing sucks, he lies his way out of trouble. He can NOT blame anybody for the problems now, BECAUSE HE OWNS IT. WE NEED A CHANGE, AND MOVE HIM FORWARD, RIGHT OUT THE DOOR OF THE WHITE HOUSE!

  29. who is obama really ? answer a sleeper muslim, communist , anti-christ baw-rak

  30. I agree with you. I did not vote for the Big "O" but I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. I actually wanted him to succeed, but to succeed for the good of our wonderful country, not for the enhancement of his overblown ego. His underlying agenda is now clear: Sympathy and deference for Islam to the point of total USA conversion; his "Robbing-Hood" values to keep the poor dependent on government thereby boosting the power of that entity which will raise his misplaced egotism, and the rape of all rights that this country has stood for since the beginning, except for the rights of government. His "Dream from his Father" of erasing the constitution, beginning with the right to free speech and the right to practice the religion of our choice openly and freely, then to reduce anyone with an extra dollar in the pocket to poverty in order to boost government dependence. I am terrified for all of us. What "O" wants to do is glossed over with his good looks and command of the English language. I get physically sick to hear his pronouncements and the audience cheering, shouting "yeah, yeah", drooling, slobbering after every word that comes out of his smarmy mouth. Just remember, all of you who intend to vote for this manipulator, you will get just what you ask for. Don't say you were not warned. For once in your lives really, truly LISTEN to what he is promoting. God help us all!

  31. We cannot atke another 4 years of this moron. Kick him to the curb so he can go back to his village in Kenya..... If he goes back in , there will be change but I fear it will be change to the worst and our kids and grandkids will be paying the price........
