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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Syrian Jihadist Rebel Thugs Call 48 Captives 'Iranian Thugs'

One thing I know for sure. Syrian Islamic Nazi rebels are Obama's kind of thugs.
 BEIRUT, Lebanon (NY Slimes) — A group of Syrian rebels took responsibility on Sunday for the kidnapping of 48 Iranians in Damascus a day earlier, but the rebels insisted that their captives were members of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards, not religious pilgrims as Iran’s official news agency had reported.

“They are Iranian thugs who were in Damascus for a field reconnaissance mission,” said a rebel leader, in a video that the rebels said showed the captives sitting calmly behind armed Syrian fighters. In the video, the rebels flipped through what they said were Iranian identification cards and certificates for carrying weapons, proving, the rebels said, that the hostages were not religious pilgrims.

The identities and motives of the captives could not be independently verified, and some rebel groups have not embraced the kidnapping or the theory laid out by the fighters in the video. Col. Malik al-Kurdi, a deputy commander of the Free Syrian Army — one of several competing umbrella groups involved in the fighting — said the brigade taking responsibility for the kidnapping appeared to have been acting on its own and did not tell the Free Syrian Army about the operation.

Iranian officials said the kidnapped Iranians were pilgrims, denying that any of them were members of the Revolutionary Guards, Iran’s Arabic-language channel Al Alam reported Sunday, quoting an unnamed government spokesman. 

On Saturday, Iran’s foreign minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, contacted the Syrian and Turkish foreign ministries, asking them to secure the release of the 48 Iranians.

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Dictator Obama May Issue Executive Order On Cybersecurity

(The Hill) -- Senate Republicans recently blocked cybersecurity legislation, but the issue might not be dead after all.

The White House hasn't ruled out issuing an executive order to strengthen the nation's defenses against cyber attacks if Congress refuses to act.

“In the wake of Congressional inaction and Republican stall tactics, unfortunately, we will continue to be hamstrung by outdated and inadequate statutory authorities that the legislation would have fixed," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said in an emailed response to whether the president is considering a cybersecurity order.

"Moving forward, the President is determined to do absolutely everything we can to better protect our nation against today’s cyber threats and we will do that," Carney said.

The White House has emphasized that better protecting vital computer systems is a top priority.

The administration proposed its own legislation package in 2011, sent officials to testify at 17 congressional hearings and presented more than 100 briefings on the issue. In a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed, President Obama warned that a successful cyber attack on a bank, water system, electrical grid or hospital could have devastating consequences.

The president urged Congress to pass the Cybersecurity Act, which was offered by Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine). The bill would have encouraged private companies and the government to share information about cyber threats and would have required critical infrastructure operators to meet minimum cybersecurity standards.

But Senate Republicans, led by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), worried the bill would burden businesses with unnecessary and ineffective regulations.

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Campaigner-In-Chief Proudly Promotes ObamaCare With Voters

The arrogant thug is proud of the turd he laid on America. 
 (AP) -- President Barack Obama, emboldened by the Supreme Court's affirmation of his health care overhaul, is now embracing the law while campaigning for re-election, just as Republican rival Mitt Romney steps back from it.

Obama sees a second chance to sell voters on the issue despite deep skepticism about it from many people. Romney is avoiding answering hard questions about how he would tackle health care, and thus missing the chance to energize voters who oppose the law.

Democrats say the president always planned to stress health care if the court upheld the law. A month after the ruling, he and his team are focused on promoting individual parts of the law that have proved more popular than the sum.

The campaign is targeting its efforts on important groups of voters, including women and Hispanics, who, Obama aides say, will benefit greatly once the law takes full effect.

Before the decision, Obama did mention the law in campaign events. But the case he made to voters was hardly vigorous, especially considering the amount of time he dedicated to overhaul during his first year in year in office.

The primary focus of his campaign speeches remains the economy, the race's dominant issue. But the Supreme Court's favorable ruling appears to have freed Obama to speak about the health law more passionately and emphatically than before the case was decided.

His campaign also is running a television advertisement in eight of the most contested states that criticizes Romney for opposing mandatory health insurance coverage for contraception; that provision is in Obama's overhaul. A health care-focused Spanish-language ad is running in Nevada, Colorado and Florida.

"The Supreme Court has spoken," Obama told a cheering crowd at a recent fundraiser in New Orleans. "We are going to implement this law."

During an event near Seattle, Obama said passing the law was "the right thing to do" and he highlighted specific parts of the overhaul that his campaign believes resonate well with voters.

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GOP National Chairman Calls Harry Reid "A Dirty Liar"

(Reuters) - The U.S. presidential campaign's war of words turned increasingly bitter on Sunday with two influential Republicans accusing the top Senate Democrat of lying when he said their party's presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney, had not paid income taxes for 10 years.

Reince Priebus, the Republican Party's national chairman, called Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid "a dirty liar" for his accusation, based on a source that Reid has not named.

"I'm not going to respond to a dirty liar who hasn't filed a single page of tax returns himself," Priebus said in an interview on the ABC News program "This Week."

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham called Reid's statement "out of bounds" and said "I think he is lying about his statement of knowing something about Romney." Graham spoke on CNN's "State of the Union." "I think he's making things up."

Romney, a wealthy former private-equity executive who is the presumptive Republican nominee in the November 6 election, has released his 2010 tax return and said he will release the 2011 when it is completed. He has strongly denied Reid's claim, made on the Senate floor on Thursday.

"Let me also say categorically: I have paid taxes every year. A lot of taxes," Romney said during a campaign stop on Friday in Las Vegas, Nevada, Reid's home state. He called on Reid to "put up or shut up" by disclosing his source.

Priebus' role as chairman of the Republican National Committee is to develop and promote the Republican political platform. He coordinates fundraising and strategy for battling Democratic President Barack Obama's re-election bid as well as congressional elections.


Reid stood his ground on Sunday, saying through a spokesman that the issue would not go away until Romney "decides to be straight with the American people and release his tax returns."

"As Senator Reid has said, an extremely credible source informed him that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years," Adam Jentleson, his spokesman, said in an emailed statement.

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Gay Chick-fil-A Protesters Bully Homeless Man Reading Bible

I thought "liberals" were opposed to bullying? Calling Presidente Obama! Your followers are in need of some tolerance training.

Via Legal Insurrection

Powerful and Moving Song Denouncing Worldwide Islamic Terrorism

Powerful and moving song sung in Spanish (with English subtitles) that calls on Christ to help spread love and rid the world of the scourge of Islamic terrorism and supremacism.

Pro-Islamic Jihad Leftists Attack Pro-Freedom Rally In Sweden

Treacherous Leftists and their Islamic supremacist allies are the greatest threats to our freedom and way of life.

Via Atlas Shrugs

Today heralded the dawning of a new era of cooperation between pro-freedom groups in Europe, the United States, Australia and elsewhere.

 Freedom fighters from around the world converged in Stockholm to stand with one voice against oppression, tyranny and fascism. And the fascist thugs were out in force: police at one point found a suspicious package from the Leftists, and examined it out of concern that it was a bomb. It turned out to be a large firecracker, but clearly the Left-fascist who left it wanted police to think it was a bomb, and to create an atmosphere of menace and terror so that people would be too frightened to attend our event. Swedish police in riot gear cordoned off the area of our rally on both sides, and blocked entrance to it with police vans.

But while the Leftist media, which swarmed around our event like jackals, will tell you that we are the threat, the police had to face violence only from the Leftist protesters.

Desperate that our message of freedom not be heard, they blew vuvuzelas, screamed bloody murder, chanted "EDL go to hell" and kept up a constant din -- while throwing eggs and firecrackers at the police and at any pro-freedom activist who got too close to them. One firecracker exploded in a policeman's face; he had to be taken away in an ambulance.

Nonetheless, several hundred people braved the Leftist thugs and the police barricades, and joined us, unbowed and resolutely determined to stand for freedom and truth.

When Robert Spencer and I got out of the car, the crowd started applauding, and so many people came up to us to express their gratitude for our work -- it was humbling and gratifying.

 The enemedia was out in force as well, taking hundreds and hundreds of pictures of us, no doubt in an attempt to find the very worst shots, and inundating Robert and me with interview questions attempting to smear us as racists and inciting to murder.

 But it was noteworthy in itself that the media was there at all: in Europe this was a huge story (even Turkish media was there), while in the U.S. the media seems determined to ignore the issue of Islamic supremacist encroachment upon our freedoms.

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Friday, August 3, 2012

'Armed Men of the Muslim Brotherhood' Sets Up Militia In Syria

Allies of the Obama Regime
(The Telegraph) -- The Muslim Brotherhood has established its own militia inside Syria as the country's rebels fracture between radical Islamists and their rivals, commanders and gun-runners have told The Daily Telegraph.

Calling itself the "Armed Men of the Muslim Brotherhood", the militia has a presence in Damascus as well as opposition hot spots like Homs and Idlib. One of their organisers, who called himself Abu Hamza, said that he started the movement along with a member of the Syrian National Council (SNC), the opposition alliance.

"We saw there were civilians with weapons inside, so we decided to co-operate with them and put them under one umbrella," he said.

Hossam Abu Habel, whose late father was in Syria's Muslim Brotherhood in the 1950s, said that he raised $40-50,000 (£25,000-£32,000) a month to supply Islamist militias in Homs province with weapons and other aid.

The militias he funded were not affiliated to the Free Syrian Army (FSA), the main rebel movement, added Mr Abu Habel.

"Our mission is to build a civil country but with an Islamic base," he said. "We are trying to raise awareness for Islam and for jihad." 

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'Tastes Like Hate' Graffiti Painted On Wall At Chick-fil-A Restaurant

Tastes like typical Leftist intolerance
 (LA Times) -- On a day that some gay-rights activists are planning a "National Same-Sex Kiss Day," a Chick-fil-A in Torrance was vandalized overnight with hateful graffiti.

Chick-fil-A employees were greeted Fridays morning with the words "Tastes like hate" scrawled in large black lettering mimicking the chain's advertising across the back wall of the restaurant at 182nd Street and Hawthorne Boulevard in Torrance.

With media helicopters hovering overhead and police officers on the scene, one employee said, "I'm just trying to sort everything out."

Chick-fil-A has been at the center of media scrutiny and public debate ever since the company's president publicly expressed his opposition to same-sex marriage.

On Friday, some gay-rights activists are encouraging same-sex couples to go one of the chicken restaurant's locations and take a photo or video of themselves kissing.

It remains unclear whether this protest will generate the huge crowds that turned out Wednesday for "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day," when tens of thousands waited through long lines in a show of support for the executive.

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Britainstan: Pakistani Parents Convicted Of Honor Killing Daughter

Great Britain is sinking in the multicultural quicksand.
 LONDON (AP) -- The Pakistani parents of a teenage girl have been found guilty of murdering a daughter who rebelled against a forced marriage to her cousin - a conviction that was clinched with the girl's younger sister testifying that she saw her parents suffocate her older sibling.

Justice Roderick Evans on Friday sentenced Iftikhar, 52, and Farzana Ahmed, 49, to life for killing their daughter, Shafilea, in 2003. 

The couple - first cousins from the Pakistani village of Uttam - were ordered to serve a minimum of 25 years in prison.

"She was being squeezed between two cultures - the culture and way of life that she saw around her and wanted to embrace, and the culture and way of life you wanted to impose on her," Evans said during the sentencing at the Chester Crown Court in northwest England.

In Britain, more than 25 women have been killed in so-called honor killings in the past decade.

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Comrade Michelle Obama Tells True Believers "We’ve Got To Keep Moving Forward. Forward! Forward! Forward! Forward! Forward!"

Comrade Michelle is correct brothers! The ultimate victory of the proletariat is at hand!

Via Charlie Spiering

First Lady Michelle Obama was fired up yesterday, introducing a new rallying cry to supporters during her appearance at a rally in North Carolina yesterday.

The First Lady encouraged supporters to tell everyone everything that President Obama had done for the country.

"I want you to tell them how many jobs he created," she said. "Tell them how much money he’s put back in the pockets of American people."

Obama explained that everything the president had done was now at stake, including cheaper medicine for seniors, providing free birth control for women, and helping students to afford college.

"We know what we need to do. We cannot turn back now," she said. "We’ve got to keep moving forward. Forward! Forward! Forward! Forward! Forward!"

Former Psycho Of The House Says Her "Loyalty Lies" With KFC

I'm sure Nutsy eats at KFC on a regular basis.She also shoots pool at her local bar.

(The Hill) -- House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi maintained Thursday that her "loyalty lies" with KFC when asked about the ongoing controversy over the owner of Chick-fil-A's stance on marriage equality.

"What I Tweeted was I'm a Kentucky Fried Chicken Fan, that's where my loyalty lies, but I'm here to talk about tax policy of the United States of America, avoiding a budget cliff and the rest of that," the California Democrat said at a press conference.

Sen. John Kerry (D-umbass) Foams At Mouth Over 'Climate Change'

 Kerry pollutes the environment every time he opens his arrogant mouth.
( – The situation facing the planet because of climate change is “as dangerous” as the possibility of war over Iran’s nuclear activities, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) told the U.S. Senate on Wednesday.

Delivering what his office described as “a major address and current assessment of the global climate change challenge,” Kerry acknowledged and bemoaned the success of those who question the notion of human-induced global warming. He compared skeptics to flat-earthers and decried what he called a “concerted assault on reason.”

“I believe that the situation we face, Mr. President, is as dangerous as any of the sort of real crises that we talk about – today we had a hearing in the Foreign Relations Committee on the subject of Syria, and we all know what’s happening with respect to Iran, and nuclear weapons and the possibility even of a war,” Kerry said.

“Well, this issue [climate change] actually is of as significant a level of importance, because it affects life itself on the planet,” he said.

Kerry said the term climate change had become “an unusable word in American politics.”

“Climate change, over the last few years, has regrettably lost credibility in the eyes and ears of the American people, because of a concerted campaign of disinformation – a concerted campaign to brand the concept as somehow slightly out of the mainstream of American political thinking.”

“I have to say it’s been a remarkably effective campaign, you can’t sit here and say it hasn’t worked,” Kerry conceded. “Every opportunity to cast a pall on facts with some kind of cockamamie theory has been taken advantage of, and a lot of money has been spent, Mr. President, a lot of money has been spent in this process of disinformation and of discrediting.”

“We have in effect, with respect to climate change in America today, what is fundamentally a flat-earth caucus, a bunch of people – some of them within the United States Congress itself – who still argue, against all the science, all the evidence, they argue that somehow we don’t know enough about climate change, or they argue that the evidence isn’t sufficient, or they argue that it just is a hoax.”

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Pakistani Cleric Says There Will Be World Peace When Jews Are Wiped Out

 Hitler is a hugely popular figure in Pakistan. Totalitarian fascist ideology is right at home in the Religion of Peace.

Via Memri:

In Pakistan, where Islamic clerics routinely promote Antisemitism, leading Pakistani politician and prominent religious leader Maulana Fazlur Rehman recently accused Israel of deploying Israeli soldiers in support of Indian security forces in Kashmir.

Maulana Fazlur Rehman is the head of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI-F) party. His remark on Kashmir came in an official statement marking the Kashmir Martyrs' Day – July 13, 2012. Rehman is the head of Pakistan's Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir Affairs.

In another Antisemitic video that appeared on YouTube in June 2012, Pakistani cleric Pirzada Muhammad Raza Saqib Mustafai argued that world peace will be established only when all the Jews are wiped out from the earth.

In the video entitled "Yahodi Islam Kay Aur Aman Kay Asal Dushman Hain" (Jews Are the Real Enemy of Islam and Peace), Muhammad Raza Saqib Mustafai states: "And all the troubles that exist around the world are because of the Jews. When the Jews are wiped out, then the world would be purified and the sun of peace would begin to rise on the entire world." His speech is part of the Fikr-e-Iman (Concern for Faith) series of lectures.

Mustafai is a leading cleric belonging to the Barelvi School of Sunni Islam and is also the founder of Idarat-ul-Mustafa Pakistan, which is described as a spiritual movement for the enforcement of Islamic shari'a in the country. He is a cleric at the Markazi Jamia Masjid Gulzar-e-Madinah, Gujranwala, Pakistan.

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