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Friday, October 26, 2012

Obama Denies Lying About Benghazi: "I've Always Been Straight With the American People"

Obama lied, embassy staff died
 (Yahoo! News) -- President Barack Obama on Friday forcefully denied deliberately misleading Americans about the deadly attack on the US consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi, telling radio host Michael Smerconish, "I've always been straight with the American people."

Speaking to Smerconish during a 15-minute Oval Office interview, Obama also declared he was "absolutely" prepared to kill those behind the assault but would prefer to capture them and "bring them to justice."
Asked whether the Administration's shifting explanation for the September 11th strike reflected the intelligence he was receiving, Obama replied: "What's true is that the intelligence was coming in and evolving as more information came up.

"And what is true," he continued, "...This is something that the American people can take to the bank -- is that my administration plays this stuff straight. We don't play politics when it comes to American national security," the president said. "As information came in we gave it to the American people. And as we got new information, we gave that to the American people."

When and if the location of those behind the attack is known, Smerconish asked, "Will you take that person out without regard for the election timetable?"

"Absolutely," Obama replied. "But I think our goal would be to bring them to justice."

Questions have arisen about Obama's response to the "Arab Spring" occurring in countries across the broader Middle East. State Department officials have acknowledged turning down requests for more security in Libya. And Republicans have questioned the president's truthfulness after the administration spent days, they say, blaming the assault on reaction to an Internet film that ridicules Islam.

Yahoo News reported in late September American officials had concluded on "Day One" that terrorists were behind the siege. But The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Obama's "presidential daily brief" from the CIA tied the assault to on a spontaneous protest linked to the video — despite intelligence contradicting that scenario.

Asked whether he knew Americans in Libya had asked for more security, Obama replied: "I was not personally aware of any request. Obviously we have an infrastructure that's set up to manage requests like that," in reference to the State Department.

"But we're going to find out exactly what happens," he said. "Ultimately, though, any time there is a death of an American overseas, I want to find out what happened, because my most important job as president is keeping the American people safe."

"And we will get to the bottom of what happened, and we're going to make sure most importantly that those who carried it out, that they are captured," Obama said.

He also said he takes "full responsibility" for the circumstances in the attack, in which Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed.

 The suspects have not been publicly or conclusively identified, though Egyptian officials say a man suspected to have been involved was killed Wednesday in a shootout in the capital, Cairo.

"My biggest priority right now is bringing those folks to justice. And I think the American people have seen that's a commitment I always keep," the president said, an apparent reference to the bin Laden raid.

New RNC TV Ad: ObamaCare Means Higher Taxes

ObamaCare is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Son of Democrap Congressman Caught Plotting Voter Fraud

Project Veritas:

Watch our Project Veritas reporter being educated on how to properly commit massive voter fraud by the son of a sitting US Congressman.

Patrick Moran, son of Congressman James Moran, discusses forging utility bills and impersonating pollsters, all for the goal of circumventing voter ID laws in Virginia and casting ballots for unsuspecting inactive voters within the state for Barack Obama.

 Patrick Moran holds the salaried title of Field Director for his father's congressional campaign, and assures our reporter that "committee" lawyers will defend his fraud if the forged documents "look good".

 Update: Son Resigns Over James O’Keefe Video

In Ohio, Biden Talks About All the Ads Being Run 'Here in Iowa'

A heartbeat away from the presidency.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Muslim Brotherhood President Morsi Joins Prayer for Victory Over Infidels and Destruction of Jews

Morsi shows his true face. Obama's celebration of the "Arab Spring" proves he is either an incompetent, gullible fool or a traitor.

(Times of Israel) -- Egypt’s President Mohammed Morsi participated in prayers over the weekend in which the preacher urged Allah to “destroy the Jews and their supporters.”

In footage of the service from Matrouh governorate’s el-Tenaim Mosque screened on Egyptian state television on Friday, Morsi was shown in fervent prayer as cleric Futouh Abd Al-Nabi Mansour, the local head of religious endowment, declared, “Oh Allah, absolve us of our sins, strengthen us, and grant us victory over the infidels. Oh Allah, destroy the Jews and their supporters. Oh Allah, disperse them, rend them asunder. Oh Allah, demonstrate Your might and greatness upon them. Show us Your omnipotence, oh Lord.”

According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Morsi could be seen mouthing “amen” to these sentiments.

The service was also attended by the region’s governor and local officials. The footage was recorded and transcribed by MEMRI (the Middle East Media Research Institute). A similar translation was published by the ADL.

The ADL’s National Director Abraham Foxman complained Sunday that “The drumbeat of anti-Semitism in the ‘new’ Egypt is growing louder and reverberating further under President Morsi and we are increasingly concerned about the continuing expressions of hatred for Jews and Israel in Egyptian society and President Morsi’s silence in the face of most of these public expressions of hate.” Added Foxman, “The United States and other governments with influence on the Egyptian leadership should publicly urge President Morsi to speak out against this disturbing manifestation of hatred toward Jews.”

Read rest here...

Obama Asks Jeremiah Wright To Help Get Out the Black Vote

(Big Government) -- President Obama is getting so desperate about Romney-trending election polls that he is calling on an old, discarded ally to help his get out the vote effort: Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

 According to former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, “If Obama looks as if he's going black, he could turn off white people. So he's largely been lying low on the race issues - visibly pushing for the Latino vote, the gay vote, the women's vote, but not the black vote. But last weekend, he held a conference call with a collection of black preachers that included his old pastor, Jeremiah Wright. He wanted to talk to them about getting out the vote.”